My Story
Hi! My name is Gary Kennedy, and I'm the Missions & Membership Pastor at SMCC. I grew up in Hoover and started attending church here with my family when I was ten years old. SMCC is where I first heard the Gospel and began my journey of faith. While I certainly understood and responded to the Gospel and repented and turned from my sin at that time, it took years of working through self-righteousness and a legalistic mindset, to recognize I was dead in my sin, that Christ paid that entire price, and that there was no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
I went to The University of South Alabama (Go Jags!) where I majored in Accounting and judged other believers and non-believers for not being as “holy” as me. Four years later I met my wife, Janey, in a Precept Bible Study in Birmingham; we were married a year later in 1986. Precept was one of several significant factors the Lord used in my spiritual growth and understanding of Scripture and how to study it for myself. I attained my CPA and used it in my career as a banker, financial guy and ultimately in mergers and acquisitions, and investment banking. Along the way God blessed us greatly with two children (and one who is with the Lord). They are now married to my two additional children. We’re now blessed with two grandchildren; ask us about them sometime when you have an hour!
The Lord has used all of these events and circumstances in my life: the death of a child, my amazing wife, job transitions, raising children, the ministry, people of this church and the wonderful relationships with my adult children, to strengthen, sharpen and mature my faith and trust in Him.
In 2010, God used a change in the economy, to bring about an unexpected “second” career, as He opened the door for me to serve on staff at the only church I’ve ever really known. It’s been a blessing that I couldn’t put in words if I tried! I love this church and the people I work with; and I LOVE these people!
I went to The University of South Alabama (Go Jags!) where I majored in Accounting and judged other believers and non-believers for not being as “holy” as me. Four years later I met my wife, Janey, in a Precept Bible Study in Birmingham; we were married a year later in 1986. Precept was one of several significant factors the Lord used in my spiritual growth and understanding of Scripture and how to study it for myself. I attained my CPA and used it in my career as a banker, financial guy and ultimately in mergers and acquisitions, and investment banking. Along the way God blessed us greatly with two children (and one who is with the Lord). They are now married to my two additional children. We’re now blessed with two grandchildren; ask us about them sometime when you have an hour!
The Lord has used all of these events and circumstances in my life: the death of a child, my amazing wife, job transitions, raising children, the ministry, people of this church and the wonderful relationships with my adult children, to strengthen, sharpen and mature my faith and trust in Him.
In 2010, God used a change in the economy, to bring about an unexpected “second” career, as He opened the door for me to serve on staff at the only church I’ve ever really known. It’s been a blessing that I couldn’t put in words if I tried! I love this church and the people I work with; and I LOVE these people!
I have the privilege of serving and visiting our missionaries around the world and making them known to you in my role as Missions Pastor. As Administrative Pastor I have great opportunities to work with our Deacons and in helping lead our shepherding efforts, as well as taking care of the financial, accounting and administrative needs of our church.
When my knees told me I was too old for basketball, it got really hard to find something fun to do. Finally, about three years ago I started mountain bike riding and I love it! Otherwise, I love to hike with my wife, watch the Reds with my wife, read in spurts, and hang out with friends.
Favorite Scripture
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
Romans 8:1
More About Me
Listen to our podcast series "Meet the Pastors" introducing Gary Kennedy!
Hi! My name is Gary Kennedy, and I'm the Missions & Membership Pastor at SMCC. I grew up in Hoover and started attending church here with my family when I was ten years old. SMCC is where I first heard the Gospel and began my journey of faith. While I certainly understood and responded to the Gospel and repented and turned from my sin at that time, it took years of working through self-righteousness and a legalistic mindset, to recognize I was dead in my sin, that Christ paid that entire price, and that there was no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
I went to The University of South Alabama (Go Jags!) where I majored in Accounting and judged other believers and non-believers for not being as “holy” as me. Four years later I met my wife, Janey, in a Precept Bible Study in Birmingham; we were married a year later in 1986. Precept was one of several significant factors the Lord used in my spiritual growth and understanding of Scripture and how to study it for myself. I attained my CPA and used it in my career as a banker, financial guy and ultimately in mergers and acquisitions, and investment banking. Along the way God blessed us greatly with two children (and one who is with the Lord). They are now married to my two additional children. We’re now blessed with two grandchildren; ask us about them sometime when you have an hour!
The Lord has used all of these events and circumstances in my life: the death of a child, my amazing wife, job transitions, raising children, the ministry, people of this church and the wonderful relationships with my adult children, to strengthen, sharpen and mature my faith and trust in Him.
In 2010, God used a change in the economy, to bring about an unexpected “second” career, as He opened the door for me to serve on staff at the only church I’ve ever really known. It’s been a blessing that I couldn’t put in words if I tried! I love this church and the people I work with; and I LOVE these people!
I went to The University of South Alabama (Go Jags!) where I majored in Accounting and judged other believers and non-believers for not being as “holy” as me. Four years later I met my wife, Janey, in a Precept Bible Study in Birmingham; we were married a year later in 1986. Precept was one of several significant factors the Lord used in my spiritual growth and understanding of Scripture and how to study it for myself. I attained my CPA and used it in my career as a banker, financial guy and ultimately in mergers and acquisitions, and investment banking. Along the way God blessed us greatly with two children (and one who is with the Lord). They are now married to my two additional children. We’re now blessed with two grandchildren; ask us about them sometime when you have an hour!
The Lord has used all of these events and circumstances in my life: the death of a child, my amazing wife, job transitions, raising children, the ministry, people of this church and the wonderful relationships with my adult children, to strengthen, sharpen and mature my faith and trust in Him.
In 2010, God used a change in the economy, to bring about an unexpected “second” career, as He opened the door for me to serve on staff at the only church I’ve ever really known. It’s been a blessing that I couldn’t put in words if I tried! I love this church and the people I work with; and I LOVE these people!
When my knees told me I was too old for basketball, it got really hard to find something fun to do. Finally, about three years ago I started mountain bike riding and I love it! Otherwise, I love to hike with my wife, watch the Reds with my wife, read in spurts, and hang out with friends.
I have the privilege of serving and visiting our missionaries around the world and making them known to you in my role as Missions Pastor. As Administrative Pastor I have great opportunities to work with our Deacons and in helping lead our shepherding efforts, as well as taking care of the financial, accounting and administrative needs of our church.
Favorite Scripture:
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1