We exist to glorify God 
by loving our community 
through proclaiming the Word of God.

We exist to glorify
God by loving our community 
through proclaiming the Word of God.

You Are Invited!

Come worship with us Sunday At 10:30am

3 Disciplines

We exist to Glorify God...

"Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!" Psalm 34:3. The first way that we can love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is to worship Him. Each Sunday morning, we gather as a church family to do just that through congregational worship, prayer, and hearing Biblical preaching. God is worthy of our adoration and He is glorified in our desire to know Him.
By loving our community...

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves," Philippians 2:3. We can express our love for the Lord and for people by serving in the church, in the community, and in the world. We encourage weekly service in the church, regular service in the community, and serving often in other contexts. From helping on the parking team to full-time ministry or missions, there
are countless ways that we can serve.
Through proclaiming the Word of God...

"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ," 2 Peter 3:18a. In order to know and understand the Lord, we must know His Word. We offer many ways to deepen our relationship with the Lord through Bible studies, seminary classes, small groups, and one-on-one discipleship. Our goal is for each person to be growing in their walk with the Lord and helping others to do the same.

"My pastor took initiative to
meet me because I was new."

"My pastor took initiative to meet me because I was new"


"There is a focus on
scripture in every ministry."

"There is a focus on scripture in every ministry"


"This church emphasizes
person to person discipleship."


"My church doesn't
sugarcoat the gospel."


"Great church with good
music and very nice people"

"Great church with good music & very nice people"


"biblical, sound,
expository teaching." 

-The Harrisons

"They are a welcoming family." 


"My pastor took initiative to meet me because I was new."


"There is a focus on scripture in every ministry."


"This church emphasizes person to person discipleship."


"My church doesn't sugarcoat the gospel."


"Great church with good music and very nice people"


"biblical, sound, expository teaching." 

-The Harrisons

"They are a welcoming family." 


Get In Touch

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